Learn How to Craft a Freakishly Effective Quiz Funnel That Helps You Build Your List (& Bottom Line) Like Never Before

Mini Course & Template Collection 

Join Today For FREE


Create a Winning Quiz Funnel Strategy 

  • Create a curiosity-fuelled customer journey (that converts like crazy!)

  • Stand out (+ sell out!) with a powerful positioning strategy

  • Develop a vision for your quiz — so you can move confidently forward

Here's where we're stopping along the way:

  • Ask questions your audience actually WANTS to answer

  • Discover 3 secrets for writing captivating quiz results (that BEG to be shared #ViralWorthy)

  • Use the principle of reciprocity to inspire loyalty from the start

Part 3:
Go from Subscriber to Sale

  • Win your clients’ hearts with a know, like, and trust-worthy post-quiz email sequence

  • Use curiosity to increase conversions 

  • Get the keys to audience + offer alignment and learn how to engineer an experience that inspires trust

Map Out Questions & Results

The Big Idea Breakthrough Bundle 

  • ChatGPT Quiz Topic Prompt & Best Practices: How to go from getting half-baked overdone ideas from AI to concepts that feel original and aligned with your brand. 

  • Quiz Title Generator Tool: Don’t wanna mess around with ChatGPT? You’ll get instant access to an AI tool trained on thousands of quizzes and an endless stream of ideas to inspire you into action! 

  • The Brilliant Quiz Topic & Description Template: This template will help you refine your final idea and write a compelling description to call in your exact ideal clients and customers. 

This is worth a LOT more than $37

Get the goods before the $$$ goes 👆

  • The 9 Key Questions Your Quiz Needs (+ Examples of What They Look Like In Action): “It’s like you read my mind!” ⇐ want this kind of feedback from your audience? Ask the right questions and mind reader status will be yours! 

  • Quiz Question Generator Tool: Get instant access to an AI driven tool trained on thousands of quizzes for done for you questions that tick all the right boxes. 

The Curiosity Booster Question Collection 

+ Here's how you'll put what you learn into action:

  • A Collection of Funnel Map Examples: Quiz funnel maps for service providers, digital course creators, and eComm so you can step out of the weeds and see how these strategies all fit together. 

  • A Complete Quiz Funnel Creation Checklist: Pop these tasks into your project management tool and leave no stone unturned!

Design Your Journey From Stranger to Subscriber to Sale 


Create a Legendary Lead Magnet, Transform Your Email List &...

Turn Strangers Into Subscribers & Sales

In this 3-part workshop series, you’ll learn the same step-by-step process I’ve used to help thousands of online business owners build custom marketing journeys that take your dream clients and customers from stranger >> subscriber >> sale. 

I love Chanti more than Mac ‘n Cheese! Haha, seriously this woman has helped me effortlessly grow my email list by more than 100,000 people in the last year alone.

If what the gurus say is true and every lead should add $1 to your bottom line every month, well DANG — we just hit the jackpot.

jenna kutcher,

“Thanks to Chanti’s wise and magical help with our quiz, we had our highest converting promo yet, and by far the most effective lead magnet we’ve ever had. And would you believe we barely even made it happen? At the last minute, we decided to do a quiz, worked with Chanti to help develop something that felt true to our brand, designed the results at 1 am and had it launched the next day. 2,000+ new subscribers later, we're pretty glad we went for it!”

Jen Olmstead,
Tonic site shop

Chanti is getting me 5000 new leads every single month. I came up with a really good idea and then Chanti really took it and really developed it even more because I’m just too busy focusing on selling! 

So she ran with it and I absolutely love it - and most importantly my ideal clients love it."

Ingrid Arna,

And I’m not talking about one of those “if you were a pizza, what would your toppings be?”-style Buzzfeed quizzes (👈 though, I’ve definitely taken my fair share 😅)…

I’m talking about a quiz that answers a question that your dream customers or clients have asked themselves a hundred times — whether it’s “what’s your attachment style?” or “what’s your photography superpower?”  

(^^Both quizzes I’ve created for past clients!)

By answering a question with real repercussions on your prospective customer’s or client’s life, you’re not only giving them what they need to take action and transform…

… but also showing them that you care and are willing to go the extra mile, which instantly builds trust and serves as a seamless introduction to your brand.


The Lead Generation
✨ Magic ✨ of a Quiz

The average quiz converts at 40.1% (roughly 25-35% higher than old school lead magnets) — and, let’s be honest, your quiz will be anything but average.

Visitors stay 4X longer on pages with quizzes, improving your Google ranking and the odds that your prospective customers or clients will convert (hello, engagement 👋)

The average price of ONE pop-up form lead ($26.32 🤯) can get you roughly 22 qualified quiz leads ($1.21). Plus, you won’t just get their email address — you’ll get insight into their deepest wants and needs.

But don’t just take my word for it — dig *this* data:


“Quiz Quest was eye opening! Chanti breaks things down in an easy to follow format — with plenty of examples that make these ideas more tangible. 

Prior to this, I wasn't really aware that you could use a quiz for lead gen. I have eBooks and video series, and they do okay, but her one comment about putting the same energy into promotion that I do into creation really spoke to me. I am inspired to both create an amazing quiz that speaks to my audience and helps me know them better, and to put it out there on a regular basis.”


How the Quiz Quest Workshop Series Will Help You Map Out a Journey To…

1. Stand Out

In Quiz Quest, you’ll develop a powerful positioning strategy — based on who you are as a business owner and human being.

You’ll use what you learn about yourself to create the quiz only YOU can create. One in a million, much?

2. Create Connection

Connection is what keeps your customers or clients coming back — whether it’s to invest 💸 in your offers or ⏳ in your content. 

Throughout this workshop series, you’ll learn how to create generous quiz results that inspire loyalty and trust. 

3. Segment Your List

97% of marketers saw their business outcomes rise as a result of personalization, and, with Quiz Quest, you’ll soon be among them.

You’ll learn how to use your quiz to segment your new leads, so you can send them personalized recommendations and resources. 

4. Sell Out

Quiz Quest isn’t “just” about quizzes — we’ll also cover what happens after your prospects receive their results…

… including the importance of creating a compelling, highly relevant post-quiz sales sequence and sales page. 


Chanti is pure GOLD wrapped in beautiful crystals. She knows this business inside out and can really dig deep into your brand and the message it needs to deliver through your quiz. I took Quiz Quest, and it was game changing. I now know exactly what I need to work on and don't need to waste another precious, expensive business minute! Don't think twice about learning from Chanti."


Quiz Quest opened my eyes to how to connect with clients in an engaging, fun way that makes them feel understood. Learning how to create quizzes as a powerful lead magnet now helps me to clearly identify how I can best serve my clients and scale my business in the future! You showed me how to differentiate myself and create something transformative!”


I’ve been wanting to add a lead generating quiz to my business for a while, and, once I found Chanti, I waited for her to launch Quiz Quest to learn from the master! I’ll implement all I have learned during this epic experience — Chanti is a super generous teacher — to launch my first quiz and get more creative women on my mailing list and tribe.” 


In Session 1, you’ll discover why most traditional funnels flop — and how to create a curiosity-fuelled customer journey that ends in a conversion… without coming across as scammy or spammy.

Plus, you’ll shed some serious light on your positioning strategy and come up with a quiz topic your prospects can’t help but click.

Here’s What You’ll Learn…

Create a Winning Quiz Funnel Strategy 


We’re taking it a step forward in Session 2! I’ll help you get super specific on which questions you need to ask. You’ll learn how to craft results that inspire trust and loyalty.

A step-by-step process to build an asset that can grow with you and prove useful for YEARS (+ save you from algorithm anxiety, subpar conversions, and the pain of impersonal marketing.)

Map Out Your Big Idea, Questions & Results  


For your victory lap, you’ll learn how to design your ecosystem to effectively go from subscriber to sale on near autopilot.

Plus, the keys to audience <> offer alignment and how to engineer an experience that inspires TRUST. 

Go From Subscriber to Sale


Sign Up For Quiz Quest, And You’ll Get The Following For FREE

We Have To Talk… Bonuses

Not To Mention…

Forever Access to the Training Library and ALL Future Updates: Because you’ll want to come back for seconds.

(“Now you’re speaking my language.”)

1 | AI Tools & Strategies For Quiz Creation

Make the quiz creation process a whole lot easier by leveraging the power of AI.

2 | The Quiz Quest Workbook

Actionable steps to help you implement everything you learn.

3 | The Big Idea Breakthrough Bundle 

An AI prompt and best practices for unearthing your big idea, plus a title generator tool and a template to bring it all to life. 

4 | The Curiosity Booster Question Collection 

What questions to ask to better understand your audience PLUS a tool to help you come up with creative angles that make the whole experience a delight for your quiz taker. 

5 | Design Your Journey From Stranger to Subscriber to Sale

Funnel maps for service providers, eComm, and digital product creators so you can easily see how it all fits together. 

Hold up!

All of the Above for Less Than a Couple Climbing Pulleys 🧗‍♀️



Your MAIN revenue sources are:

✔️ Services
✔️ Courses, memberships, or info products  
✔️ Coaching (group or 1:1)
✔️ Physical products  

You have ANY of the following goals: 

✔️ Build an engaged email list composed of not just *anybody* but of the humans who’ll happily hand over their CC deets to pick up what you’re puttin’ down. 

✔️ Create an audience growth and conversion asset once that you can use successfully for YEARS.

✔️ Learn more about your audience, implement savvy segmentation strategies to better serve them, and increase your sales success because of it. 

You’ve tried ANY of the following without
much success: 

✔️ Giving it your all on social media without generating truly meaningful or measurable results. 

✔️ Incessantly churning out shiny new lead magnets, ever increasing discount codes, or outlandishly lavish giveaways to grow your list.

✔️ Relying on referrals and word of mouth to deliver new clients and customers to your virtual doors. 

Quiz Quest Is the Adventure for You If…


Got questions?


I’m a total beginner, will this help me? 

It might, but we’ll definitely be going beyond the basics. I recommend having a strong understanding of WHO you want to work with and at least one offer created or in the works to make the most of what you’ll learn. 

I’m quite experienced in the world of online business, will I really learn anything new here?

I’d like to think so! I work with plenty of established online entrepreneurs whose minds are regularly blown when they see what quizzes are capable of when it comes to growing their audiences and bottom lines. 

How long will this take me to complete? 

You can complete Quiz Class in as little as a few hours, BUT it will take more time to implement what you learn. Use these strategies and work consistently on your quiz — and you can have it up and running in a few weeks.


I’m curious what this looks like in action? 

Fair! Here are 2 examples of quizzes I use to build my list with the right people. 

What Type of Quiz Should You Use to Grow Your Biz? >> 

What’s Your GrowthType? >>

Psst… that first one’s helped me drive over half a million beans in course sales. 

Real talk: It’s easy to feel directionless right now. 

With AI transforming the online business landscape, endless algorithm updates, and the general overwhelm of wearing a dozen hats — there’s a LOT to keep up with. 

If You’ve Been Wondering Where to Put Your Time & Energy, This Is for You…

We were born for these times. 

Do you believe that? I do.

But it’s not easy to know how to rise to the occasion. How to cut through the noise, and not only find those who want and need what you’re creating, but also CONNECT with them. 

A quiz is a powerful starting point. 

For one, it will allow you to leverage their curiosity — a highly underrated emotion. I’ll share far more reasons why quizzes work during Quiz Quest. 

And why email? Well, it takes you out of the chaos and pay-to-play nature of social media. 

If those seem like reasons enough to join Quiz Quest, I would LOVE to see you inside. I created this to share all I can and help you gain serious staying power even amidst massive change. 

You in? Sign up for Quiz Quest today! >>>

Chanti xx 

Let’s do this