What to do in slow season of business - Chanti Zak - Copywriter & Funnel Strategist

Estimated read time: 5 mins

In a slow season? Here’s how to use it to catapult you toward your personal “next level”…

Aaaaand just like that it’s December. 

This is the first holiday season in YEARS where I haven’t been drowning in client work. A welcome reprieve, but also kinda scary. 

My buddy Josh and I have been chatting about how so many service providers, coaches, and consultants struggle to find the time to do the things that would truly grow their businesses in a direction where they’re not so tied to trading time for money. 

Myself included! 

I often feel like I’m straddling two worlds: one where I’m growing the digital product/course side and the other where I’m in the trenches working on big projects with really badass clients who are way more successful than me. 

It’s hard to do both really well. One side usually suffers when the other needs more of my attention. 

That said, I’m grateful to have BOTH as options. 

Back in my straight service provider days, before I had a course and I’d only email my list once every 2 months because I was so busy, I did something that changed EVERYTHING. 

I’m doing it again now and I want to share it with you in case you’re in a slow season or you’re ready to do the things necessary to take you to your next level. 

Let’s goooo!

What you’ll learn in this article:

🍵💲The BYOC mindset and how it can help you take your business to new heights in the new year 

🍵💲How being my own client changed my business forever

🍵💲What self-love has to do with the future you’re building

This week’s tea: How to BYOC and change your whole trajectory

In 2018 I had no shortage of clients, but I wanted to create my first course and I couldn’t do both. 

I decided to be my own client. For a whole month I hired myself to create my own quiz, plan my course, write my sales page, and emails. 
Saying no to money that’s a sure thing to bet on yourself is hard, yo. I was terrified. But it’s because of that decision that course exists (and has made me hundreds of thousands, more than any client ever could).

Your future self is relying on your present self to do the things that will get you to where you want to go.

Being your own client is a whole mindset. 

I mean, think about how you treat your clients vs. how you treat yourself? 

Your clients get you at your best

You bring your A-game.

You meet your deadlines and follow through on your commitments. 

You do everything you can to make every project, coaching call, or consulting package a success.

You follow the PLAN not the MOOD.

Now look at how you treat yourself? Lil different? No judgment if so. I’ve been consciously working on this shiz for years and I still put myself and my own business on the backburner to client projects. 

I’ma bet if you BYOC and embody the same mindset you would as if someone else were hiring you, you’d suddenly be playing an entirely different game my friend. 

You know what you need to do. 

You know the changes you need to make. 

The assets you’ll need to create. 

The habits you’ll have to build. 

Time to “hire” yourself to take action and make it happen. 

(Psst… if you *don’t* know those things, come hang with me in Fertile Ground and let’s change that.) 

So waddaya say? Up for becoming your own client? Make a list of what you’re committing to, a statement of work you send to yourself if you will. And follow through. Just like you would with a client. 

You deserve the same level of commitment you give to others.

Sip on this…  

🧋I LOVE this guy’s TikTok and in this video he shares a self-love hack for people who struggle with self-love — it’s basically the idea that if you were to trade places with the person you love the most for a year, you would take care of them right?

If they were in school, you’d keep going to school. If they worked out and ate well, you’d keep that up for them until they got their body back. 

You can do the same for yourself — or more specifically, for the future self and the future business you want to build. 

🧋Alright Carl! 

Welcome to my corner of the internet where you’ll find no shortage of real talk and proven growth strategies for solopreneurs, professional creators, coaches, and service providers. Grow forth and make it rain in your business, I’ve got your back every step of the way.

Hey superstar! I’m Chanti. 

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