The 10-3-1 Rule for Perennial Profit - Chanti Zak - Copywriter & Funnel Strategist

Estimated read time: 3 mins

You’ve heard of girl math (“it’s free if you use a gift card” or “if it’s on sale, you’re actually making money”) šŸ’…

But have you heard of entrepreneur math?

Letā€™s talk about a little something called the 10-3-1 rule. 

It beautifully illustrates why some business owners stay stuck while others scale to multiple millions without burning out or losing their mindsā€¦ 

What you’ll learn in this article:

šŸµšŸ’²The mathematical equation that separates the rich from the “someday” dreamers

šŸµšŸ’²Why focusing on “all the things” is actually costing you money

šŸµšŸ’²The ONE thing successful personal brands obsess over (and no, it’s not their aesthetic)f

The tea: 10-3-1 Rule for Perennial Profit

Chronically broke business owners are like that friend who buys every seed pack available at the garden center with every intention to keep them all alive, but no real plan on HOW. 

They’re focusing on ALL the things. They are quite often, at or beyond capacity. Theyā€™re doing 10 things at once. 

Throwing seeds everywhere and praying something grows (while simultaneously watching 47 different gardening tutorials).

Those whoā€™ve broken beyond break even figured out there are really only 3 things that matter:

  • LeadsĀ 
  • SalesĀ 
  • FulfillmentĀ 

But here’s where it gets juicyā€¦

The most ballinā€™ business owners and personal brands focus on ONE thing


They’re not out here trying to be their own sales team AND fulfillment department AND marketing department AND janitor. 

Nope. They remove themselves from sales and fulfillment as soon as it makes sense (through systems and team) so they can obsess over getting new people into their ecosystem.

This isn’t just theory. 

I’ve seen this play out countless times with my clients. 

The ones who grow fastest? They’re the ones who get laser-focused on lead generation (often through a quiz funnel that works while they sleep, just saying šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø).

The reason behind this is simple. 

Lead generation is about magnetism. 

Only YOU the creator, the visionary, the thought leader behind your brand has the level of magnetism required to attract people into your world. 

(You also only have so many hours in the day and need to spend them where it will make the biggest positive difference!) 

Speaking of focusing on bringing more aligned humans into YOUR orbit…

I’ve got something cooking that’s going to help you get your lead generation game tighter than your favorite pair of yoga pants.

Itā€™s my birthday this week and to celebrate I’ve got some seriously epic savings for you! 

We’re talking quiz templates and training, funnel frameworks, and a whole bunch of other resources to help you become an audience building machine.

If you’re ready to direct more of your focus on building your audience and your email list (we learned again how important that is with this silly TikTok ban business šŸ™„)

You need 2 things:

  1. The clarity to focus on what matters most for the season youā€™re in (āœ… you’ve got that from this post I hope!)
  2. The tools and support to execute effectively.

The crux of what Iā€™m trying to say today is that you’re both the bottleneck AND the breakthrough.Ā 

A shift in your focus can move mountains. 

If you’ve been spreading yourself thinner than grocery store hummus, look closer at what matters most and though it sounds too damn simpleā€¦SIMPLIFY šŸ’š

Sip on thisā€¦  

šŸ§‹Another perfect example of girl math! 

šŸ§‹#CRINGE super short entertaining film about what we see on social media vs. how life actually is.

Welcome to my corner of the internet where youā€™ll find no shortage of real talk and proven growth strategies for solopreneurs, professional creators, coaches, and service providers. Grow forth and make it rain in your business, Iā€™ve got your back every step of the way.

Hey superstar! Iā€™m Chanti. 

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