The Sunday *night* Setlist - Chanti Zak - Copywriter & Funnel Strategist

Colin is drawing me a bath ( ⇐ suddenly curious about the etymology of “drawing” a bath— google break, comment below and I’ll fill you in 🤓).

I’m in this place of *don’t complain that you’re busy, DON’T DO IT, people everywhere are wishing they could be busy right now* so know that I am NOT complaining but also…

I slumped onto the couch last night, exhausted from a day of full-on Roseanne Barr level momming. I told Colin that lately it feels like all I do is work and take care of humans.

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing those things?

I thought for a moment and responded “Watching Tik Tok videos in the bath? I dunno.”

You already do that. What else?

What would I be doing?

I suddenly felt pathetically hobbyless.

Do you have hobbies? PLEASE convince me of a hobby I can take up that isn’t bird watching.

‘Til then, I’m jumping in the bath to Tik Tok it up.

If you’re here to learn about using quizzes to generate leads, I got you.

2 cool things happening this week:

  1. Today Lander Sulser’s List Builders Bootcamp is kicking off! I’ll be talking about how to build a list that loves you using quizzes at 10 am PST. There are a bunch of other awesome talks happening too, check it out here.

  2. I’ve partnered up with Interact to share some really awesome quiz trainings with ya in the coming months.

    We’re kicking things off on Tuesday, April 28th at 11 am PST with a training on Quiz Positioning 101: How to Come Up with an Irresistible Quiz Idea that Attracts Qualified Leads and Positions You to Convert Them Into Customers

    It’s gonna be super fun. Bring your quiz topic ideas and I’ll do my best to help you out live!

Wishing you a splendiferous week ahead dear, Friend.

Welcome to my corner of the internet where you’ll find no shortage of real talk and proven growth strategies for solopreneurs, professional creators, coaches, and service providers. Grow forth and make it rain in your business, I’ve got your back every step of the way.

Hey superstar! I’m Chanti. 

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