How and why you should set consistency goals - Chanti Zak - Copywriter & Funnel Strategist

Estimated read time: 4 mins

Many (many) years ago, I had this boyfriend who talked a gargantuan game. 

We’re gonna go to Europe this summer babe, it’s happening. 

Spoiler: it didn’t happen. Neither did any of the other big promises he made to appease my hopelessly romantic young heart. 

Eventually, I had a Rachel in White Lotus season 1 level revelation…

And that was the end of that. But it was the beginning of something else. Namely, my cynicism around talk <> action. 

I started noticing when people’s actions didn’t line up with their words. Especially my own. 

What’s the first thing you do when you have a new idea or project, %FIRSTNAME%? 

If you’re anything like me, you tell everyone. 

And this action alone, tricks your brain into thinking you’ve already done the thing. 

So easy peasy brain hack for you today: choose one project you really care about and have a secret affair with it. 

Tell no one. 

Keep it close to your heart. Take action. If you run into hiccups and need help, ask your coach or someone that you trust. But don’t tell the world. 

If people ask what you’re working on, just say it’s a secret and give ‘em a wink. Mystery is underrated 😉

What you’ll learn in this article:

🍵💲How to have a secret love affair with your work 

🍵💲Struggling to reach your BIG goals? Try this approach instead… 

🍵💲Summer is for ____________

The tea: how and why you should set consistency goals

My past client Jenna Kutcher did this with her book How Are You Really?

She just… wrote the book. Without telling anyone. 

This is a woman who’s constantly being asked “what are you working on?” and she just kept mum on it.

I can only imagine the team meeting where she shows up and says, “hey guys, btw I wrote a book!” 

Now for the level up… 

If YOU really want to explore the bounds of your secret society of 1, try divorcing the idea that you need a deadline for this top secret project of yours. 

During a Grow with Quizzes coaching call, one of my superstar students shared that she stopped coaching her clients to set deadline goals. 

Instead, she has them set consistency goals

So whether it’s a book you wanna write or a new program you want to build or something else entirely — decide how much time and effort you can *realistically* put toward it and make THAT your success metric.

^^That one tidbit of brilliance was the coaching moment *I* needed, so I thought it might help you too, %FIRSTNAME%.

Sip on this…  

🧋It’s summer, you get it right?

Welcome to my corner of the internet where you’ll find no shortage of real talk and proven growth strategies for solopreneurs, professional creators, coaches, and service providers. Grow forth and make it rain in your business, I’ve got your back every step of the way.

Hey superstar! I’m Chanti. 

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