What bougie chocolate bars and profitable digital courses have in common - Chanti Zak - Copywriter & Funnel Strategist

POP QUIZ: What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a chocolate bar? Maybe $8.50 for a toasted almond, coconut sprinkled confection? Or white chocolate with basil and fresh strawberries 🍓😋 

I *very* happily broke my personal cocoa spendin’ record by cashing out $20 for a chocolate bar. NOT just any chocolate bar though, nuh-uh — this was a chocolate yoga bar. The label touted it as ‘the lovechild of Willy Wonka and Mary Poppins.’ Yeppp.

Actual footage of me at the till 👇

Why was I so onboard to throw some dolla dolla bills? Well *rare occurrence* the marketing felt personal ⇒ it’s a yoga bar, I’m a chocoholic yogi + the copywriting is on point = take my money, pleassse!

Also didn’t hurt that the packaging used the words ‘bliss’ and ‘botanical’ in the same sentence. I go googly-eyed for alliteration… IDK.

Compare that wordsmithery to the entrepreneurial techniques of candy classics like Kit Kat. Have you ever felt like a Kit Kat bar ‘gets’ you? Like it’s red wrinkled wrapper and flakey wafers see right to the depths of your being… 

I mean, I guess we all probably resonate with needing a break and it’s easy to say yes and tack $1 onto your grocery bill, but beyond that, a Kit Kat doesn’t even compare to a handcrafted organic pure cacao bliss bar, am I right?

What if you attracted chocolate yoga bars instead of Kit Kat leads?

When it comes to promoting digital courses, think of your biz’s Instagram as a Kit Kat bar – racking up followers *which SHOULD NOT be mistaken for qualified leads* is a cheap, easy, and pretty low-commitment. 

And that ain’t always a good thing.

You might end up with a bunch of Insta followers who aren’t tuned into your content. And when the time comes to get the word out about your course, only a teensy fraction (2-4% according to Sprout Social) will pause their scrolling to hear you out.

Running a business can get overwhelming really fast because there are so many people telling you what you *should* be doing 🙄✋

Here’s the thing though, you don’t need 10k IG followers, BeyoncĂŠ level confidence, a completely original idea, or recorded and finalized course lessons to successfully launch a digital course. 

The difference between “amplifiers” and “essentials” in your business — and permission to make marketing your course infinitely easier…

☝️ Those extras I just mentioned are what I like to call amplifiers: social media, sexy professional branding, the best software, an expensive business coach, the list goes on.

Don’t get it twisted – they can definitely help boost your visibility and establish you as an expert in your field. BUT when it comes to scoring sales, they’re mehhh at best 🤷‍♀️

What you really want to focus on are the essentials: an engaged email list, and an offer that converts, and a source of traffic, which could be social but not necessarily.

Lemme break it down…

  1. An engaged email list – An email’s typical open rate is 25-35%. That’s a death-dropping dramatic improvement over Instagram, which is why email makes it easier to get results and sell wayyy more. 
  1. An offer that converts – Your offer could be anything. Right now, we’re talking about digital courses because they’re super scalable and don’t rely on your trading time for money 🥳🎇
  1. A source of traffic – Here’s the part where social media CAN be useful ⇒ you need a steady stream of traffic  that drives to your lead magnet. Guest blogs posts, referrals, and paid advertising, oh my! 

How to use the essentials to increase your course sales, take unnecessary tasks off your to-do list, and build what Amy Porterfield calls “the #1 most important asset in your online business”

Humble brag time…  This whole summer I’ve barely posted on social media because, well, trying whatever I can to stay sane. My website copy is ancient. I don’t have a business coach right now. I cannot for the life of me ever remember to document my life and post Instagram stories. 

Don’t get me wrong, I WANT to do all the things. But there are seasons in life and business where you just can’t. 

The important thing is I know those things aren’t going to stop me from having hella profitable courses and offers.

Instead of stressing about my follower count on IG, I focus on being consistent with my email list. My list isn’t big by ANY means but it’s engaged because I keep showing up, being myself, and doing what I can to provide value. 

It is that SIMPLE. 

SO if you want a profitable course, the first step is building even a small email list. 

The best way to build an engaged email list of buyers — you know the answer, don’t cha?

If I stopped hyping quizzes I’d lose my title as Quiz Queen 👑 and that ain’t about to happen. So here’s three reasons why quizzes kick butt when it comes to building out your list and launching your digital course…

  1. They’re psychology driven & curiosity quenching – Taking a quiz feels a bit like chatting with your bestie. Y’know, someone who actually listens when they ask you questions? Plus a good quiz gives people deep insights into everyone’s favourite topic: themselves.
  1. They’re interactive & engaging – The stats don’t lie: Interactive content is up to 80% more effective at holding people’s attention than static. And there’s nothing more interactive or engaging than getting people to answer questions about themselves.
  1. They’re splendidly specific – With a well-crafted quiz you can find out where your leads are in their journey, what they most need your help with, their business goals, life goals, wellness goals, fashion goals. Then you can take all that info and make sure that you’re always sending them relevant, personal, and valuable content and offers. 

Maybe that gives you a clue why Amy Porterfield asked yours truly to help her create a fun, intuitive quiz for the top of her course funnel *take it right here*.

What the heck do I send this magical email list of future students? 

Don’t go all Houdini and disappear. The key is to keep connecting with those fine folks after you attract them. If that feels like just another thing to add to your to-dos, it’s time to look at what tasks make an impact and which ones don’t. 

If you’re a little stuck for ideas, try telling the story of how you came to your business. What inspired you to take your own path instead of sticking it out at your *maybe* corporate job…

List building is so freakin’ important to successfully launching your digital course. So I’ve included my Quick ‘n Dirty Quiz course as a bonus when you join The Digital Course Academy through me at chantizak.com/dca.

DCA is Amy Porterfield’s comprehensive program for creating, launching, and selling your online course. It shows you exactly how to create your digital course — but how to get it into the hands of dozens or even hundreds of customers every month.

With my bonuses, you’ll have everything you need to create a quiz that not only helps you build an engaged email list, but that helps you establish a connection and build trust right off the bat all while learning more about your audience, harnessing the conversion boosting powers of segmentation, and making your subscribers feel seen and supported. 

I’ve got a TON of other bonuses too, mostly focused around things that’ll help you sell more of your digital course once you create it. Amy’s so good at teaching the creation part and the selling, but my bonuses will show you how to take it to the next level.

What you get for enrolling with my bonuses:

✔️ The behind-the-scenes sales and lead generation strategies and frameworks that Amy herself uses in her business (that’s right, I work with the AP team every day)

✔️ The most thorough step-by-step course there is on creating and launching a course and the secrets to building an engaged audience of future buyers 

✔️ To not only have a course that converts but an effective, personalized, interactive, and empathy building quiz attracting the right people into your world who’ll be waiting in the wings ready to buy when you launch 

✔️ Launch and copy advice from a copywriter and strategist who 7-figure course creators like Amy, Jenna Kutcher, Melyssa Griffin, and more turn to for lead generation + launch support (without the 5-figure price tag) 

Get more deets on my DCA bonuses right here and get ready for the kind of personal marketing that’ll convince anyone to buy a $20 chocolate bar 🍫✨

Chanti xx

Welcome to my corner of the internet where you’ll find no shortage of real talk and proven growth strategies for solopreneurs, professional creators, coaches, and service providers. Grow forth and make it rain in your business, I’ve got your back every step of the way.

Hey superstar! I’m Chanti. 

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